Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Kennedy: 2 Months

  • are eating 4.5 to 5 oz every 3 - 3.5 hours during the day. Like clockwork.  
  • We are still waiting on that night when we wake up startled because you slept longer than 3 hrs. 
  • are on a pretty good schedule. You are usually awake for the day between 6 and 6:30 am. You usually eat at 6 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 4 pm, 7 pm and a dream feed at 10 pm that I wake you for. I prefer a 6 am wake up call and a 7 pm bed time. Gives me time in the morning to get ready myself and not rush the big kids. Also gives us time as a family to eat dinner. Then it's bath and bottle. You are up in the middle of the night between 2 and 3 am to eat. 

  • Sleep in your crib, in your room all by yourself. First night alone was Easter!
  • Are swaddled. Arms out.
  • really love your bath
  • like to just be put down sometimes
  • are wearing 0-3 month clothes, size 1 diapers

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