Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Addison has been sleeping without her swaddle for just about a month now and she LOVES her freedom.  We get a kick out of how we find her each morning.  She prefers laying across the shortest part of her crib.  Here are a few of our favorite moments.
She looks like she got caught doing something she shouldn't be doing. 
She always gets in some morning stretching.
She is getting too big to fit this way but she is determined it is the most comfortable way to sleep.
Try legs propped up on the side... no big deal.

Every once and a while we will find her still sound asleep but it never fails, she always wakes up so alert and with a smile. 

1 comment:

Jen said...

Love those pictures! It's funny to see how she gets herself manuevered around her crib!