Sunday, July 21, 2013

Picnic at the Park

We had some uncharacteristically awesome weather the first of July around here. The evenings were in the upper 70s so we took advantage one evening and headed to picnic in the park. 
Ok, we grabbed McDonald's on our way to the park but it still counts!  Addison loved it and it got Mommy and Luke out of the house which means it was a successful day!
Luke loves the Baby Bjorn which I never used with Addison... so funny how different two can be!  He hung out on Mommy most of the time we were at the park.  I am always behind the camera and cannot take a "selfie" very well so here is a quick snap of our peanut as we packed up to head home.
Ever since Luke arrived, Addison has looked and acted so much older.  Makes this Mommy a little sad but she is at such a fun age (tantrums aside).  She never stops talking, already has quite the imagination and dances at every chance she can get!
One day these little ones will outgrow evenings at the park... I am hoping it is many, many, many years from now.  We are all about living in the moment these days and soaking up every second!

1 comment:

Jen said...

We loved the cooler weather too and tried to take advantage of it! I hope my girls don't out grow the park for a long time as well.
PS Ain't no shame in McDonald's! You gotta do what you gotta do!